Atsushi Hosoi Dr. Eng., Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Academic & Professional Experience
Apr. 2021 ― Present
Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Apr. 2016 ― Mar. 2021
Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Apr. 2014 ― Mar. 2016
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
May 2008 ― Mar. 2014
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Apr. 2007 ― Apr. 2008
Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Oct. 2005 ― Mar. 2007
Visiting Research Associate, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Nov. 2011 ― Feb. 2012
Visiting Researcher, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, the University of Sydney
- Hayashi Award, Japan Society for Composite Materials, Title: "Evaluation of long-term reliability of fiber reinforced composite materials in fatigue", June 2020.
- Excellent Presented Paper Award, Materials and Processing Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Article title: “The Effect of Cooling Conditions on the Fatigue Crack Healing of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Heat Treatment”, September 2017.
- Funai Science Award, The Funai Foundation of Information Science, Title:"Establishment of long-term reliability evaluation technology for fiber reinforced composite materials and its application", April 2017.
- Young Scientist Award, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Title: "Study on evaluation of fatigue damage of structural materials and development of crack healing technology", April 2017.
- JSME Young Engineers Award, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Title: “Study on evaluation of long-term durability of fiber reinforced composites”, April 2016.
- Medal for Outstanding Paper, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Article title: “Evaluation of transverse crack initiation in interlaminar toughened CFRP cross-ply laminates under cyclic loading”, April 2015.
- Excellent Presented Paper Award, Materials and Processing Division, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Article title: “Evaluation of delamination in fiber reinforced composites by microwave propagation theory”, September 2014.
- Best Poster Award, The Japan Society of Spring Engineers, Article title: “Study on fatigue crack closure by controlling high-density current field and heat treatment”, November 2013.
- Incentive Award, Committee on Composite Materials, The Society of Materials Science, Japan, Research title: “Study on evaluation of the long-term reliability for fiber reinforced composites subjected to fatigue loading”, May 2013.
- Best Impression Award, The Japan Society of Spring Engineers, Article title: “Effect of surface-activated pre-coating technique on fatigue crack healing by controlling high-density electric current field”, June 2011.
- Hayashi Student Award, The Japan Society for Composite Materials, Article title: “High-cycle fatigue characteristics of CFRP laminates: Evaluation of delamination growth behavior considering the effects of transverse cracks”, October 2007.
- Miura Award, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, March 2005.